Application to check for Windows updates NVIDIA GPU. This application has a small size, light weight, and open source. Even lighter than the GeForce Experience application. You can use this small application that will be highly customizable, secure and easy to use. This tool is assigned to search for NVIDIA GPU driver exactly what the GeForce Experience.
When you install the GeForce Experience many additional services are then installed unbeknownst to you. From my experience, the GeForce Experience really slow and I do not want to manually check for updates by visiting their website.
The application is designed by ElPumpo under the terms Of the GNU General Public License As published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 Of the License, Or (at your option) any later version.
can not be implemented
- Add support for Windows 10 action API
- Develop GUI version
- Improve error handling
- Better local GPU driver version detection
- Windows 10, 8.1, 8 or 7
- .NET framework 4.5
- HtmlAgilityPack.dll in same folder as the executable
- Stable internet connection
command arguments
Argument Explanation --quiet run quiet --eraseConfig erase local configuration file --debug turn debugging on --help view help
Feel free to customize the application by editing config file located at %localappdata%\Hawaii_Beach\TinyNvidiaUpdateChecker and modify app.config
Check for Updates (false or true) - enables or disables searches for client updates GPU Type (desktop or mobile) self-explanatory, select desktop for a desktop system configuration